Sunday, 19 July 2009

Lesley Bricknell.

'Missing People.'

Lesley Bricknell.


  1. That's really nice, great idea and presentation.

  2. Thanks Dion. It all looks great really. Haven't yet clicked on links but looking forward to new work, discoveries.

  3. Wow, a lot of work! Was the book created especially for this project? I like the sadness in this and also that in a way you give back some honor to the unknown woman in the photograph by presenting her in this way. To me she comes to stand for all the lost, unremembered people. So many millions who have struggled and loved and raged in this dammed sentient life and then just faded away, forgotton

  4. Thanks Kruse. It came together quite quickly - photographed on the edge of a black mantlepiece. I've had the album for ages and never knew what to do with it. The 'Missing people' caption is a ready made card from a charity shop for missing people in Taunton. Lily from the garden. I did respond to the image of the unknown woman. Your photograph probably would have thrown me! But you've made an excellent piece as I mentioned earlier.
